Monday, June 17, 2013

Reviews for CtS

Bittersweet Reviews recently gave Chase the Storm 5 stars, saying:

"The novel is packed full of angst and the chemistry between the two guys is off the chart."

Top 2 Bottoms Reviews rated it 5+ kisses, saying:

"This is a total gushing tearjerker! You WILL need a box of tissues as you read this. No, you’ll need several. Your heartstrings will get yanked so hard you’ll want to throw the book at the wall in frustration more than once. There’s so much pain, loneliness, and agony here, it’ll damn near break you. But it’s such bittersweet sorrow that you’ll love it. It’ll be worth it too because the love, tenderness and warmth will thaw even the iciest of hearts."

Hearts on Fire rated it 5 hearts, saying:

"One of the things I liked more about the book was of course the romance, if there is something the Mrs. Witt can do is write perfect love stories with imperfect characters."

Live Your Life, Buy the Book rated it 5 stars and 4 hot peppers, saying:

"From the first page to the last, I was completely invested in Elijah and Chase’s story. Outstanding debut novel. The writing is solid, the characters are beautifully drawn and complex. The descriptions of daily life were detailed enough to truly give a sense of what it was like without being boring and I thoroughly enjoyed them. I read this book in one day because I just couldn’t leave them, I adored the characters so much. I felt joy, sorrow, heartache, love and elation along with Chase and Elijah. And I absolutely love the cover!"

Gay List Book Reviews rated it A-List, saying:

"This is not a tame book sexually either. An experienced man and a young virgin who vibrates with passionate need. When they come together you can almost taste the sweat on their skin."

On Top Down Under rated it 5 beautiful emotion-filled stars, saying:

" It is now on my list of favourites for 2013. It took me on a ride. I read it in one sitting, staying up until the early hours of the morning because I couldn't, wouldn't put it down.  I can't give it any higher praise than that."

From the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who has taken the time to not only read CtS, but to review it as well, either to me personally, blogs, goodreads, amazon, or to friends.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Inspriing Story

Earlier today I received a private messge on about WN and M&A, and found it inspiring. I asked permission to share part of her message with you all.....maybe it will inpsire you too.

After reading M&A and being touched by Jasper and Riley's stories, she wanted to do something to help but wasn't in a place to financially do so. However, she has two gay neighbors who are into extreme couponing, like the TV show. Their couponing leads to a lot of extra goods, both food and household. They asked her advice on what to do with the extra supplies and she said "I swear Riley's flirty face popped into my mind, tilted his head toward his shelter and winked, and I thought, "Oh!"

She then googled homeless shelters in her city and discovered there are 31 of them. So they have been taking the extra items to the shelters. How amazing is that? How many people they are helping with their couponing and then taking the time and effort to deliver the items.

She finished the message with:

"So even though I was shy to write to you I really really wanted you to know that they are people -who have never heard of you- in a city you've never heard of- that are being fed today. Because of you."

I am honored beyond words.

Thank you!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Maybe it's the Fanfic author in me....

but I enjoy and love interacting with readers, and am used to hearing from them after each chapter, so it's been bit strange to not have that with CtS, hearing their thoughts along the way. I've enjoyed reading the reviews, both good and bad, on GR etc, and have wanted to thank everyone who read, reviewed, rated, ranted....but not sure if that is "acceptable" protocol, if the readers wouldn't like it or feel uncomfortable.

Opinions? Readers out you like it when an author comments on a review, or does it feel invasive?

Writers, how do you handle reviews or comments on public sites, i.e not to you directly on facebook or twitter?

CtS on Best Sellers Lists

CtS is on the Best Sellers list on Dreamspinner Press and #26 on Amazon, and they're carrying the paperback version now too. Thank you all so much, I can't say how much I appreciate the support.

I'm thinking for the giveaway.. autographed paperback copy and a gift certificate to either DSP or Amazon, winner's choice. I see some do iPods, kindles etc for give aways, but those are bit above my current budget at the moment.  Just need to work out the details, hopefully later this week.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Chase the Storm Released

Chase the Storm was released May 13, 2013 by Dreamspinner Press in ebook and paperback. Purchase sites, as well as list of reviews so far, are listed to the right. I'm beyond thrilled readers seem to like it so far because Chase and Elijah mean as much to me as wn or m&a e/j/r/p.

I will list my contact info on the side as well, twitter, facebook, and goodreads.

CtS is listed Best m/m Book by Debut Author 2013 and Best M/M Romance Published 2013 and Best Seller List

Thank you to everyone who has purchased, read, and commented on the book. I appreciate it more than I can say. Thank you!

Chase the Storm promo video

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Chase the Storm promo video

Chase the Storm is due out Monday, and I asked my daughter for a promo video for mother's day...she obliged

Chase the Storm video